Johanna McKim


Johanna is happily married to Pat and they have two sweet and spunky girls, Emery and Landry, that keep them on their toes. When not at home you can find her working for the Jefferson City School District as an occupational therapist in the elementary level. 

Some of her favorite things include crafting (jewelry making, especially), exploring Pinterest for new ideas and travel spots, a good cup of coffee with quiet time, and simply hanging out with her family (ideally snuggled on the couch watching Hallmark movies. She and her hubby also enjoy renovating properties and managing their rentals together. 

What initially drew her to Inspire was being able to spend time fellowshipping and worshipping with family and friends who may not share the same denomination, but share the same love for Jesus. She has been grateful to find such a caring and genuine group of women who lift each other up in prayer through everything that life brings. 

Her favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” As she has a tendency to be a bit of a worry wart, this verse has served as a sweet, constant reminder of the peace we experience when we choose to leave worry behind and trust our worthy and loving Father. 

​Johanna is a member at Capital West Christian Church in Jefferson City.