Bobbie Schaeperkoetter


Hello sweet INSPIRE sisters!

It feels silly to introduce myself because if you’re a part of this community then I already consider you family!

And if you’re new to this space, then I’m so excited to welcome you into the sisterhood!

Let’s get to know each other…

I’m married to my high school sweetheart and am mama to two boys.  My home is my most favorite place and my family will always and forever be my first “ministry”.

I’m passionate about coffee, long walks, deep conversation, good books, and a cosy spot to just BE, but I’m SUPER PASSIONATE about connecting women to Jesus, to one another, and to the Body of believers.  I’m a big fan of community, so I facilitate a few different spaces online and in real life where women can connect.

I am the president of  Inspire.  At Inspire, we’re committed to uniting Christian women in heart and purpose, surpassing barriers of denomination.  I love the women on this INSPIRE leadership team and I love the women in our INSPIRE community! INSPIRE is a family of faith and I hope you’ll be a part of our sisterhood.

I’m the Online Campus Coordinator at Capital City Christian Church and also facilitate Women’s Ministry  there.  I believe in the local church and am committed to joining hands with the people in my church as we do our best to be Jesus to all people.  If you’re a woman in Jefferson City and need to connect to a local church, we’d love to have you at Capital City!

I also am a writer at and love sharing encouragement and truth via my blog and through social media.  We talk about ALL THE THINGS relating to faith and community.  

I love to travel to other churches, women’s groups, conferences, and events to speak!  It’s one of my most favorite things!  You can’t beat some good old face to face time together.  If you’re looking for someone to pop into your Bible study, small group, or women’s ministry to speak, I’d love to connect with your group!

As you can tell, connecting women to Jesus, to one another, and to the Body of believers is something I LOVE!  There is such power when we come together in the name of Jesus and link arms while we journey through our life of faith together!

I’m excited to get you know YOU!

My God Story:

I was a young woman who had made a mess of her life and when I ran out of options to fix it, I “tried” Jesus. He and I have been journeying together ever since and it has been an interesting adventure.

I always felt a bit like a fish out of water in the church and with other believers. I fully accepted the grace of Jesus, but I was living like someone who had to earn their salvation by following all the rules of religion.

The Church and I had an on-again, off-again kind of relationship as I struggled to find a place where what I was learning about Jesus in my Bible lined up with what I saw in church.

Community with other believers was a struggle. Church was tricky. I was learning a lot about myself and a lot about Jesus. I loved Him and I wanted to love the church, but I could never quite find my place within the body.

It’s funny how God works because nearly 20 years into my journey with Jesus, that’s where He has me. He called me to be a community builder. He has asked me to connect women to Him, to one another, and into his Body.

I believe in the power and the beauty of the local church. I love the coming together of believers. I think that coming together in the name of Jesus is world changing.

I see the way God is drawing His people together to shine as a light to the world around them, and I am grateful that I get to be a part of some incredible communities that do just that!

Now, instead of feeling like I don’t fit with other believers and like I don’t know where I belong in the body, I’m connecting women to Jesus, to one another, and into the Body of believers and I LOVE it!